Hosted by: Jenni Sills
Functional Hormone Specialist
As women, our bodies are constantly changing & oftentimes it’s hard to keep up! One moment you think you have your symptoms under control and the next thing you know a new symptom is rearing is ugly head at you. You deserve answers!
Learn the foundational building blocks for hormone balance that help you CHANGE your hormone health at the ROOT CAUSE instead of a temporary fix.
📣I am so honored to be hosting a FREE workshop on the Hormone Balancing Building Blocks.
✨What are they exactly? ➡️ 6 PILLARS of health that directly impact your hormone balance.
✨What does that mean for you? ➡️ A deeper understanding of the root causes behind your unpleasant symptoms or changes in your body that you likely haven’t found a lasting solution for yet.
✨Better yet - you'll learn the steps required for you to feel lasting change.
✨Come join us at THRIVE Pilates. Comment “hormones” below and I’ll send you the link to register!