S.L.A.M. Southern Pines
S.L.A.M., is all about creating a community of women that come together with the mindset to make themselves stronger, motivate each other, and show children what it means to “Sweat Like A Mother.” Classes are all 60 minutes long and offer a variety of movements and sequences that accommodate all levels of fitness.
What to expect throughout your time at S.L.A.M:
Distance races and obstacle course races
Playgroups for children
Mom’s Night Out events once a month
Extra credit challenges on a regularly occurring basis
Hours: 9:30 am each weekday
Location: The workout location changes daily and is listed on their calendar. The locations range from Aberdeen Lake Park, First Baptist Church in Southern Pines, Village of PInehurst’s Canon Park, and Village of Pinehurst’s Arboretum
Cost: Your first class is free! And then $65/month for monthly unlimited or $90 for a 10 Class Pass.
Ages: All!